Buying a new or used car brings with it a series of considerations, there are elements in favor and not, to consider.
● One of the positive aspects of buying a new car is that it has no previous owners, so starting from scratch we will build the history of the car in terms of maintenance, this will affect the durability and reliability of the vehicle.
● With regard to reliability, the new car does not require major mechanical interventions to be carried out in the first 4-6 years of use, except for manufacturing defects.
● The car manufacturers guarantee the vehicle for 2 years, with the possibility of extending the warranty up to 7 years.
● The personalization of the car when buying the new one is total. In fact, you can add all the options you want.
● The main negative is the high purchase price. Furthermore, the devaluation after a few years ago means that the value of the car drops significantly, also losing 50% of its original value.
● Delivery times are not immediate, in fact, they vary from one week to 2 months.
● The first positive aspect of buying a second-hand car is that the price is much lower than the new one. There are used cars for all budgets.
● A 2-4-year-old car, although technically used, is often found in conditions that are comparable to the new one, wear is minimal and it is possible to buy it at a very advantageous price. The car can also still be covered by the parent company's warranty.
● The used car tends to lose value more slowly than a new car, also having a few years probably the bodywork is not perfect so there is no need to worry excessively about some scratches that we may find after parking it.
● Insurance costs are lower
● Reliability is definitely an element to consider. A car that starts to be a few years old may sooner or later have some problems. The important thing is to make sure that when the car is purchased it is in good condition and without defects. It is therefore advisable to take an accurate test ride, speak thoroughly with the seller to find out the history of the vehicle and if possible have it checked by an expert.
● Personalization of the car in terms of options is not possible.